Advanced Management Accounting (PNIE)(3版)博客來評比
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Advanced Management Accounting (PNIE)(3版)博客來評比誠意推薦給大家看喔!
內容簡介: This text provides leading-edge treatment of innovative management accounting issues used by major companies throughout the world. Takes a systematic management- oriented approach to advanced management topics. Each chapter is accompanied by cases to illustrate the concepts discussed.
New to this edition:
1. Comprehensive coverage of Activity-Based-Costing and the Balanced Scorecard method as the unifying framework throughout the text. ABC and BSC link formerly unrelated topics and chapters.
2. Transfer pricing, chapter 9 updated to reflect more modern approaches.
3. Chapter 10 will prominently feature Economic Value Added (EVA).
4. New cases illustrating ABC and the Balanced Scorecard will be incorporated throughout.
5. Topics no longer central issues in today's environment have been deleted—i.e., joint costs and extensive variance analysis.
6. Second edition chapters 10 and 11 have been consolidated into a new chapter 11, Measuring Performance from Customer and Internal Business Process Perspective.
舊觀念OUT-新觀念IN | 賤招拆招2 | ||
注意事項! | 邁向成熟-青年的自我成長與生涯規劃 | ||
左右逢圓(無書,2CD) | 萬用孫子兵法 | ||
不會做人,就別想出人頭地──81則讓你做人滿分的心理講義 | 討人喜歡才能實現自我 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/10/19
- 語言:英文
Advanced Management Accounting (PNIE)(3版)博客來評比
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Advanced Management Accounting (PNIE)(3版)博客來評比